Formed in January 2013, Corpse Machine is a chaotic blend of Black, Death and Thrash Metal. This trio hails from the wooded outskirts of southern Michigan. In April 2013, they released the “Annihilate” EP, and are currently playing shows in the Midwest area of the United States.
Matt Prokopp: Guitar and Vocals
David Prokopp: Drums
Brad Gasparotto: Bass
“Annihilate” is available through iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Xbox Music, Interpunk, Underground Sounds, Encore Records, and can be heard on Last FM, Bandcamp, Facebook and Youtube.
01. Sinister Monolith -6:01
02. War with Society - 3:43
03. Corporate Scum - 4:37
04. Eternal Oblivion - 5:33
05. Sociopath - 3:49